Aleksa Krstic
Aleksa Krstic
October 17, 2024
5 min read
October 17, 2024
5 min read

Translate RESX files without hassle 

Translate RESX files without hassle

Struggling with how to translate RESX files and unsure of the best strategy for this task? You've come to the right place! This post is designed to help you by outlining the most common approaches to translating RESX files. It also shines a light on the common pitfalls of manual translation and offers practical tips to streamline the translation process, making it both more efficient and straightforward. Ready to dive in?

Understanding RESX files 

Before we dive into how to translate RESX (.NET Resources) files, and share some helpful tips and best practices, let's first understand what RESX files are and why translating them is crucial when creating apps that support multiple languages.

RESX is a file format utilized in software localization, predominantly within the .NET ecosystem. It is designed to keep the app's text translations separate from its core programming code. This separation facilitates easier maintenance and future changes within the app. Moreover, it streamlines the addition of new languages to the application, requiring only minimal adjustments to the code.

Understanding RESX files

RESX is an XML-based file format that employs a special structure for storing translations. Essentially, it consists of translation blocks, each containing translation text and, optionally, some additional information related to that text.

Info: Learn more about .NET Resources file format.

Different approaches for translating RESX files 

Translating RESX files can be approached in two ways. The first way is to use a basic text editor like Notepad, Notepad++, or TextEdit. These are programs you might already use for editing text-based files. The second way is to use specialized tools explicitly developed for the translation of such files.

Here's how these two approaches are different:

Using a regular text editor is flexible because you can open and edit many kinds of files. However, these editors are pretty basic. They don't have special features for translating RESX files, which means you need to know a lot about RESX files to translate them correctly. You have to figure out which parts of the file to translate and be careful not to make mistakes.

On the other hand, specialized tools are built for this task. They guide you to the parts of the file that need translating, so you're less likely to miss anything or make errors. Plus, they come with helpful features like being able to see screenshots, reuse previous translations, manage glossary terms, and even collaborate with other teammates in order to exchange ideas, better understand context, and similar. These tools make translating faster, easier, and more accurate.

Tired of manually editing translation files?

Boost your productivity with the right localization tool.

Common mistakes in RESX file translation 

This section delves into the frequent pitfalls encountered during the translation of RESX files:

  • Invalid file syntax: The unique structure of RESX files can be challenging, especially for people who aren't familiar with technical aspects. Common mistakes include omission of closing tags, missing quotes around the tag attribute value, placing tags within each other incorrectly, and making mistakes in essential keywords that are specific to RESX files.
  • Invalid placeholders: Incorrectly translating placeholders may cause application errors. It's crucial to differentiate between text that needs translation and text that should remain unchanged.
  • Handling plural forms incorrectly: Different languages have different rules for pluralization. Applying the wrong plural forms can lead to inaccuracies within the app.

Adopting specialized tools for translating RESX files can significantly reduce the common errors described above. These tools not only facilitate the generation of these files but also minimize the mentioned risks. Utilizing such tools is a proactive step towards error-free translation.

Automating the translation of RESX files 

Automating certain processes in the translation of RESX files can significantly boost efficiency, a crucial factor in today's rapidly evolving technological landscape. Here, we will explore strategies to help us streamline and automate the translation process through the use of specialized localization tools.

Streamlining translation tasks through collaboration 

Localization platforms enhance project collaboration, allowing for the creation of a localization project, the invitation of team members (including managers, developers, and translators), and the assignment of translation tasks. This approach enables you to concentrate on other critical aspects of your product while translators work efficiently. Moreover, these tools help prevent common errors associated with manual translation, thus accelerating the development cycle.

An example of an assigned translation task in Localizely is provided below.

Localizely - Delegating translation tasks

Enhancing efficiency with Machine Translation 

Most localization tools offer Machine Translation, enabling the rapid translation of RESX files, often within seconds. Utilizing Machine Translation followed by a post-translation review ensures RESX files are quickly prepared and ready for use.

An example of Machine Translation usage in Localizely is shown below.

Localizely - Utilizing Machine Translation

Opting for professional translation services 

For those seeking professional translation services, placing translation orders is an excellent option. This method allows for ordering translations for selected texts, target languages, and preferred tones (e.g., formal or friendly). Skilled professionals can then complete these translations within a predetermined timeline.

An example of placing a translation order on Localizely is illustrated below.

Localizely - Placing translation orders

The methods mentioned above allow us to automate certain processes in the translation of RESX files, saving valuable time. By using a specialized translation tool, we can better organize the translation process, making it easier to manage and track. This will not only boost efficiency but also improve the quality of translation work, encourage teamwork, and help to prevent the common errors associated with manual translation of RESX files.


In this post, we've provided a concise overview of how to translate RESX files. Additionally, we explored two prevalent methods for this task, highlighted the common pitfalls associated with manual translation, and presented techniques that significantly enhance translation efficiency through the use of specialized localization tools.

Localizely stands out as a comprehensive localization platform designed to streamline the translation of RESX files. It offers a wide array of features specifically tailored to simplify the tasks involved in software localization. Furthermore, Localizely provides a free plan that does not require a credit card, making it an excellent choice for smaller-scale projects. It is also completely free for open-source projects.

Try Localizely for free today.

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Aleksa Krstic
Aleksa Krstic

Aleksa is a Software Engineer at Localizely. Over the past few years, Aleksa has been working in the field of software localization. In his free time, he enjoys playing guitar and writing tech posts.

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