How It Works

Simplify your translation process

Unite developers, translators, designers, and project managers on one platform — use Localizely.
A translation management tool that simplifies your workflow during software localization.

Work together

Different departments, in-house teams, outsourced third parties... shortly — a headache.

Say goodbye to losing information across multiple apps and documents.

With Localizely, the working process is simplified:

Work together on software localization

Work together

Different departments, in-house teams, outsourced third parties... shortly — a headache.

Say goodbye to losing information across multiple apps and documents.

With Localizely, the working process is simplified:

Work together on software localization
Automate software localization tasks

Automate repetitive tasks

Switching between tabs, apps, and software kills productivity. Performing repetitive tasks stifles creativity.

Leave more time for focused work. Accelerate.

Automate repetitive tasks

Switching between tabs, apps, and software kills productivity. Performing repetitive tasks stifles creativity.

Leave more time for focused work. Accelerate.

Automate software localization tasks

Test easier

Translators are frustrated because they don't know the context. Developers are frustrated because the translation can't fit into UI.

Erase this annoyance and improve the translation process.

Immediately check how the text is positioned in the app or the browser with in-context editing.

Test translations easier

Test easier

Translators are frustrated because they don't know the context. Developers are frustrated because the translation can't fit into UI.

Erase this annoyance and improve the translation process.

Immediately check how the text is positioned in the app or the browser with in-context editing.

Test translations easier
Update app translations faster

Update apps faster

Pending approval from Apple or Play Store takes so long you already have three new updates waiting in line?

Push translation updates to your app without waiting for Google's or Apple's approval using Localizely.

Over-the-air localization enables you to push smaller updates automatically for both OS.

Update apps faster

Pending approval from Apple or Play Store takes so long you already have three new updates waiting in line?

Push translation updates to your app without waiting for Google's or Apple's approval using Localizely.

Over-the-air localization enables you to push smaller updates automatically for both OS.

Update app translations faster

Scale at speed

You're aware that things are going slowly: information is scattered everywhere, processes are messy, and you don't even know where to start with improvements?

Centralize work from all departments, track, and optimize where needed.

Enhance your workflow with features such as:

Scale app translations at speed

Scale at speed

You're aware that things are going slowly: information is scattered everywhere, processes are messy, and you don't even know where to start with improvements?

Centralize work from all departments, track, and optimize where needed.

Enhance your workflow with features such as:

Scale app translations at speed

These companies have already simplified their work

Togg logo
Engel & Volkers logo
Lego logo
World Health Organization logo
Iteratec logo
Bern University logo
Palo Alto Networks logo
Toyota Connected logo
sngular logo
AppsFactory logo
Vitra logo
BD logo

Top performing
translation management software

Capterra rating badge
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SourceForge top performer fall badge

Implement. Translate. Deploy.

Elevate your app's global presence.
Begin the journey of seamless translation and accelerate your path to global success.

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